Our Ministries
Pewaukee Food Pantry, Celebrate Life,
Lakota Indians, Music & Gardens.
A favorite project of Holy Apostles ACA (Anglican Church Women) is our Popular Annual Cookie Walk!

One example of our Celebrating Life ministry:​
The Baby Project
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:13-14
The focus of The Baby Project is to provide a layette each month to both the ECFA (Evangelical Child and Family Assoc) and The Women’s Health Center in Milwaukee.
Each layette consists of a flannel receiving blanket, two flannel cloths, baby outfits and a hand-knit sweater and hat.

SunStar Mission
'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink;
I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
Matthew 25:35
The Sun Star Anglican Mission Church is located in Kyle, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation in Oglala Lakota county.
This is the poorest county in the entire United States and is located in an area that is accessible only by car— there are no buses, trains, or airplanes that come within 50 miles of Kyle. Neither is there any retail business except for a small grocery with a limited selection of food, and a small convenience store at the gas station. There is a motel about 5 miles from the church that employs a dozen or so people. Otherwise there are no jobs except for government offices.
If you need basic neccesities, hardware, or anything else, it is a 35-mile drive to Martin, just off the reservation, or a 75-mile drive to Walmart in Rapid City. Contrary to popular belief, the Lakota people do not receive funds from the US government. Most housing is old, and drafty. The weather, especially in winter, is harsh. But the Lakota are a persistent people and the reservation is home and family for them.
Holy Apostles Church has taken the Sun Star families under its wing, and provides whatever help we can. Fr. John is Canon Missioner for the Diocese of the Missouri Valley, and as such has the responsibility of looking out for them. There is no priest at Sun Star Mission. Visiting clergy provide Holy Communion a few times a year, but it is an 800-mile drive (one way!) from Pewaukee, so the congregation has to rely on Morning Prayer on most Sundays, which the lay reader, Darrell Locke, provides.
Last year a water line was installed by the tribal authorities, and we installed a bathroom in the church building. This winter, the broken furnace was replaced with a propane heating system, thanks to a grant from the International Anglican Fellowship. Things are happening, improvements are being made, and this brings them hope.
These people are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and even though we cannot meet all their financial and material needs, it is a joy to us to provide Christmas gifts and other contributions. We pray for their health and welfare. We also pray that opportunities for employment will come to Kyle so that they can stand on their own.